Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why Can Bath Time Be So Crazy?

A few nights ago when giving the kids a bath I noticed Amber had a big white dot stuck to her forehead. Odd, I know. I ask her about it and she tells me that she saw some woman wearing a red one and she liked it. Knowing that the red dot on women has some importance, I went to the computer to learn that they are in fact called bindi, and for most signify that the lady is married. I come back and tell Amber about it. She tells me she is pretending but, of course, being Amber then proceeds to ask me when I will get married so that I can wear one as well. I won't bore ya'll with the conversation that followed.

After Amber was James' turn in the tub and to put me in my place. Why do they always do that? Well he found a little "shaving kit" and went to town shaving his face. Yet again, I am reminded that he is growing up and that he will in fact become a man. Something that I know nothing about! What am I doing? Heaven knows, I'm gonna be needing some help!

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